Creating a Design Language System to unify diverse applications from multiple acquisitions
Create a Design Language System (DLS) to establish a foundation for the organization's initiative to unify brand consistency while bringing commonality to user experiences throughout our digital applications.
Experience Principles
Through internal alignment, stakeholder interviews, application reviews, and market analysis, we established experience principles that guides design rationale for applications and experiences.
The system is designed to grow and adapt, keeping up with the changing needs of users, businesses, tech, and brand partners. Core principles keep the Design Language System (DLS) grounded, while its flexible structure evolves to shape unique experiences and leverage new tech capabilities.
The Design Language System
Signature Templates
From the foundations of the DLS, elements, composites, navigation, and data vizualization were designed and placed into signiture templates to showcase how the individual parts of the system interact to form a powerful and cohesive ecosystem of experience and visual design.